26 July 2009

Something worthwhile

I'm watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition. This episode is about a couple who adopted (I think) six children from China, some of which have special needs. The father is in the hospital with brain cancer.

I like watching this show because I like to see people helping each other. Some of the families that receive help are like the family in this episode, they have adopted children who are in need and are working to provide them with love and a chance for the future. The people in the neighborhood always band together to help with the construction of the house and to lend other forms of support. Businesses are always so generous.

I want to be someone like that. I want to have the ability to help other people. I want to do something worthwhile with my life.

I'm just not sure how. I don't have money. I don't have any extraordinary talents. I try to be kind and I try to be helpful when I see a need. I just want to be able to do more.

The last few years I've been sort of locked up inside of myself and I haven't given much of myself. I want to change that. I want to be better at loving and serving. I'm not bad at coming up with ideas, I'm just not good at putting those ideas into action. I need a team or at least one cohort to help me learn action. I want to be of use. I want to help those around me. I want to make a difference. I want to live a life that is worthwhile.

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