16 November 2012


Too many thoughts right now and not enough time to write them...

I want to write about my makeshift extended family, the importance of listening to good friends, and possibly a tutorial on the fine art of hugging...but it'll all have to wait since I need to sleep so I'll be able to function well enough at work in a few hours.

Life is good and I'm in a better place than I've been in a very long time...maybe ever. This is all very much due to certain dear and wonderful fantastic friends who have and continue to blessed my life in so many ways. I am particularly grateful for a few certain people: my dear Bestest Friend of course. The Artist and Man of Steele, D-Ham, Am & Jam, Hey Pey & Shelle, my nieces and nephews, my most spectacular co-workers, and a new addition to the gratitude roll call is Photo. I'm so grateful for all these dear and amazing people who make me feel so loved and who teach me that trusting isn't such a scary thing. Thank you all for being there and for reminding me that I'm not in this alone. Love you! :-)

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