26 September 2010


This week was rough for reasons unexplained and I'm really glad it's over. By the time I got to the institute for the Woman's Conference I was in a daze.
I had really weird dreams last night and woke up this morning so tense I had to tell myself to relax and stop clenching the sheets. Maybe that's where the insomnia comes in, what's the point in sleeping when it is so not restful?
I didn't really eat much today. I had a little salad around 11am then I didn't eat anything until my little cup of soup and a pita from Greek Souvlaki around 4pm. I'm not much for baked potatoes so I didn't eat at the conference either, besides just having no real desire for food. I'm in one of those moments when I don't want to eat and I have to force myself to choke something down so I don't get sick or pass out or something. People tried to talk to me at the conference but I was so out of it that I couldn't focus. I hope I didn't offend anyone, I just wasn't in my brain.

Now it's 1am and I should be sleeping, but instead I'm sitting here writing a blog post. I want to right something happy or insightful or beneficial in some way to someone...but I'm not in that place right now. I'm just talking...with an edge of negativity and I'm sorry for that. I'm working on it. I've wallowed a bit this week; I shut down because the stress became too much. Now I'll reevaluate and see if I can figure out how to come back up again. I'm doing the best I can.

1 comment:

  1. this week was horrid! We need some temple therapy and definately a movie night or something... Love ya big sis let me know if I can help with anything.
