17 January 2011

bitter much?

Boys are stupid
Some girls are too
I think it's time
to be a hermit
for just a while

Maybe I'll have
an Alias marathon
and come back out
feeling much better
about the world

Maybe I'll watch it
in Spanish so I can
justify it as homework.
Right now I'm listening
to Savage Garden.

I really am trying to
rid myself of bitterness
toward men, but they
just make it so easy
to despise them.

They really don't
encourage much faith.
They're all a bunch of
blind and heartless,
self-centered jerkfaces.

I'm just sayin'

All I want is to be
loved and accepted,
wanted and needed
by someone I see as
an equal in most ways

Is that really asking too much?

The scriptures do say
that in the Latter-Days
the hearts of men will
fail them...well, their
hearts are failing me too

I deserve better than this.

But life is not fair and
so much of the time
those who deserve,
do not receive, and those
who do not deserve, do

It's just the way of things.
So I'll stop whining and
go do some homework
or watch some Alias in
Spanish, or something.
(this isn't really a poem, I just felt like breaking the lines)

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