28 January 2011

History isn't always accurate

Wow! Why am I so spastic sometimes? What was I worried about? Why do I always think that people (especially men) are going to suddenly stop wanting to be my friend? Why am I so paranoid and skeptical? Oh, right, that's why...history. But sometimes history is a fluke.

He came over last night because I asked him to. We were pretty tight for a while then not so much more recently; it's been too long since we've spent any sort of quality time together and I was anxious about our friendship. More specifically than our relationship, I was concerned about him.

It was nice to be just the two of us for a while. There are always so many other people around and it's difficult to have a conversation. But last night was good. Now I see that all I have to do is say, "I miss you, can we just hang out for a while" and he'll be there.

I've started hugging again too. I miss one on one conversations and hugs. I'm getting back to both. And I'm starting to ask for what I want again...those are the best signs of progress and recovery I've seen thus far! :)

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