17 June 2010

Bestest Friend

Back in the day, before adulthood, when we were basically carefree and didn't have to worry about jobs and husband/boyfriend related things, or waking up early, or being responsible for much of anything...Bestest Friend and I spent hours walking around the neighborhood or sitting on the swing in her backyard just talking and dreaming and being together.

The years have changed a lot of things and the time we have to spend together has diminished drastically, especially since she got married last year. Bestest Friend is the one person on this planet who knows me completely. Sometimes she knows things about me even before I tell her. She knows all my darkness, all my fears, all my stupidity and ineptnesses. She knows all my mistakes (big and small) and my entire personality in minute detail.

I miss her more than I've ever missed anyone...except (perhaps) that one I haven't met yet that I feel so close to sometimes...but that's another story for another day.

Bestest Friend is a teacher and has finished the school year so she is now a little more available than she has been. This morning after she dropped her sisters off from their sleepover last night, Bestest Friend and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. After that, we sat outside and talked some more. Then we ran some errands and talked some more.

I'm so grateful for the time I had with her today. I've been so weary-worn, so battered by life that I really didn't want to get out of bed today. But she got me up, got me moving, got me feeling better. I'm still weary and worn out...I still have no idea how to solve the troubles and trials I'm trying to work through right now. But I know I have someone on my side. I know there's one person in this world who will never doubt my character or intentions. She knows my heart, she knows my goodness. When I doubt myself she is there to remind me of my worth.

I am so grateful to have my dear Bestest Friend.

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