09 November 2009

Random Facts

~ The voice in my head (the one that is supposed to be there, the one that's me) sometimes has a British accent and sometimes has a Southern accent. Today it was southern, don't really know why.

~ I love the name Jonathan and believe that the shortened version of the name should be spelled Jon and not John, is the H necessary? I think not.

~ Making people mildly uncomfortable is fun. Like talking to people in the elevator or on the bus.

~ I have been known to have conversations entirely with myself.

~ Green turn arrows make me happy

~ I love dancing in the middle of random places (supermarkets, the street, the train). Really I'll dance anywhere I hear music.

~ There's always music playing in my head.

~ I say really random things sometimes...they always make sense to me. I guess the randomness is that no one else knows what led up to the statement.

~ Laughing until I cry out my eyes and my stomach hurts is one of the best feelings in the world.

~ I have a tendency to be wordy and awkward (according to my CNF writing teacher) but I don't care, I like my writing!

~ On bad days when absolutely everything seems to be going wrong, instead of getting upset about it I "declaire the day Ridiculous" and charge forth.

~ I love stealing words from others. I listen to conversations and confiscate particularly entertaining or profound phrases.

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