07 December 2009

"All friendship is fleeting and ends in abandonment"

So it happens to everyone and I should stop taking it so personally when people decide they don't want me anymore? Ok. Thanks once again Bones. I can move on with my life now.

I'm grateful for the moments I've been blessed to share with people I love. I will focus on that gratitude and stop mourning the loss when these moments end.

I still don't believe in throwing people away and I will never request a dear friend to leave; they will always have a place in my heart and life. But I'll try to not get so disappointed when others walk away.


  1. Sometimes the things you throw out are the things you miss the most, and ultimately wish you had kept them.

  2. And that is why I give people every chance I can and try to never throw them away. People are what matter most.

  3. BS.
    If the person is worth holding dear, they won't walk out.

  4. Unfortunately I think that most people don't really understand what friendship actually is, so it is automatically fleeting for them. Be an example to them of what genuine friendship is, and what it looks like to truly care. People need to shed this notion that 'buddy-ism' is friendship. Some will learn by your example, others won't. It is a painful reality, but hopefully you be successful at convincing people that authentic friendship is good.

  5. Thank you for your comment Evan, I agree with you. I'm actually revisiting this concept of friendship right now and trying to decide whether or not to pursue a friendship, or just let it be a buddy-buddy thing. It's in my nature to be a true friend, but I find that not a lot of the people I come in contact with are that way. Perhaps I'll go on a friendship crusade or something. :)
