02 December 2009


I've spent most of the afternoon working on my portfolio for my creative nonfiction class. Tomorrow is the last day and I couldn't be happer to end a class. This has been a difficult semester for writing. I've revised five of my six stories but I'm stuck on the last one.

I don't know why but I hate this story. I want to wad it up and throw it away, forget I ever wrote it. It's terrible writing. There's no heart in it at all. It's wordy and boring. The funny thing is that it's about my car accident. Wouldn't you think something like that would be action packed and interesting? Or at least emotional? Nope. I avoided the real story and instead focused on the car itself.

My teacher says that you can't write well without exposing something of yourself. You have to sacrifice something personal in order to be effective in literature. You can't be afraid of the real story. You can't be afraid to go deep and find the real meaning in an experience. This story has nothing, it is nothing. I hate it. I've been avoiding it since my peers critiqued it. It's infantile.

I think maybe I'm just tired. Perhaps it's bedtime. I'll find a way to fix it tomorrow.

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