28 December 2009

Outward Honesty is Important

It's difficult to see the whole picture of a situation when you have only your own observations and intuitions and opinions. It takes open and HONEST communication to form a full picture.

I know I don't see everything, that's why I ask questions and hope that people will tell me the truth. I know people are better than they sometimes act. I know people are not the jerks they seem to be sometimes, I just can't see the whole picture. I ask for honesty and open communication from those I care about so I don't jump to the wrong conclusions with my partial understanding. What can I do when people won't talk or won't tell me the truth? What do I do when no matter how I try to just let it go and stop thinking about it, I can't?

I ask. Generally in writing because I forget things when I am talking. I tell my point of view and my feelings and hope that the person I've confided in will tell me his point of view and feelings. Just be honest. The truth may sting for a moment but in the long run, it's better to be honest than to tell people what you think they want to hear.

I never make promises unless I know for absolute certain I can keep the promise. If I don't know without a doubt that I can keep the promise I say something like, "Dear friend, I can't promise but I will do all in my power to do this thing." I can't promise those who love me won't get hurt sometimes. I can promise I will never do anything to INTENTIONALLY hurt someone. I can't promise I will always be there for you exactly when you need me (through the hope of inspiration), but I do promise I will do all I can to be there for you...especially when you tell me you need me. I promise I will always love you as a friend and do all in my power to aid you in whatever you need that I can provide.

Friendship is extremely important to me. It's not something I go into lightly, it's not something I give up without a fight or without a really, REALLY good reason. Even when the other person in the friendship decides to walk away, I still keep up my side of the friendship, if only in my heart. I mourn the loss of friends and rejoice when friendships are renewed.

The scriptures say, "The worth of souls is great in the sight of God" and I believe it's true. Every soul is precious and valuable and we should do all we can to treat those around us with respect and kindness and love. Love doesn't give up, no matter what. I love you and I promise to do everything in my power to never give up on you.
You are important to me.
And that's the honest truth!

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