21 December 2009


There is an anonymous comment on my previous post that said "It's true, boys are no good. You're better off pretending they don't exist." Thank you for your comment (I appreciate all comments) and please know that this post is not meant to offend or anything. Your comment just made me think and inspired another post. Thanks :-)

I appreciate the support in my decision to take a break from being "involved" with boys for a while...but I want to make it clear that I don't think all boys are "no good" or that I'm "better off pretending they don't exist." I like boys a lot. One of my best friends is a boy (my dear, The Artist). At this point, I simply like boys much better as friends than as romantic interests.

Every time I pray about a husband I am told to wait. I am told that my desires will be granted in the Lord's time and in His way. So I'm trying to make the decision my own. I'm doing my best to be patient and to focus my life on pursuing other goals and dreams while preparing myself to be the best me I can be. My ultimate goal in life has always been to be a wife and mother but obviously there are other things I need to experience and accomplish before the time is right.

So, I adore the boy FRIENDS in my life right now and I would not wish them away for anything. In fact I'm working on cultivating new friendships as well. I miss the guy friends who have distanced themselves from me for whatever reason (mainly the ones who flatter themselves into thinking I'm madly in love with them when I simply care for them as friends...but whatever, I'm here if they ever get their heads on straight and decide they miss my friendship). But, I'm taking charge. No more wallowing over the insecurities and ignorances of others. I'm a fantastic friend and if they can't see it, that's their loss.

Ok, enough with the defiance! I have to go pick up my Gramma and Uncle from Bliss's house now. Have a fantastic week leading up to Christmas. I'm feeling better now so I'll probably write more at some point this week. Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I like this post, especially this "I miss the guy friends who have distanced themselves from me for whatever reason (mainly the ones who flatter themselves into thinking I'm madly in love with them when I simply care for them as friends...but whatever" I never understood why some guys did that. I miss those friendships still. Sometimes guys just don't get it.
